Korg TM70T Handheld Tuner and Metronome (White) Online now

Updating a well-regarded staple among musicians, the white TM-70T Handheld Tuner from Korg delivers an all-in-one tuning solution for bands, orchestras, and solo musicians alike. Compact and sporting a large LCD screen with excellent visibility, the TM-70T will have you tuned and ready to go in rapid fashion.
Along with standard chromatic tuning, the TM-70T can engage Transpose Mode to tune in orchestral reference pitches (B flat, E flat, and F), making it an ideal choice for orchestra students and school music programs. Sound Out mode emits pitches via a loud, clear, and improved internal speaker, providing a useful ear training aid. Universal graphic labels let you easily determine tuner status with a glance, a helpful feature for beginner and advanced players. And when you need expanded versatility, the TM-70T is fully compatible with the CM-400 external contact mic (sold separately), allowing you to connect the tuner directly to your instrument to make tuning even more accurate.
* When tuning to a pure major or minor third, the specific note to be adjusted depends on the music that you re playing.
Sound Back mode generates the reference tone that’s closest to the pitch that you’re playing, while simultaneously indicating your input pitch on the meter. Since this allows you to check the pitch with both eye and ear, it lets you tune more precisely, and it’s also ideal for ear training. Refining your ear is a particularly helpful practice method for the beginner.
- Pendulum Step: this lets you increase or decrease tempo values in the same way as on a standard pendulum-style metronome
- Full Step: here you can specify the tempo in single-step increments in the range of 30 to 252
- Tap Tempo: with this setting you can specify the desired tempo by pressing the switch in time with the song you re playing
- Time signatures 0 through 9
- Duplets, triplets, and triplets with middle note omitted
- Quadruplets and quadruplets with the middle note omitted
- 30 to 252 bpm
DisplayPanel Type
There are 15 different built-in rhythms, including: